A Collection of Project Based Learning End Products
See sample end products shared by teachers and students from all grade levels. A driving question guides each of these projects.
Top Web Links (and Tweets) from 2015
Let's see which web links I shared on social media got the most clicks in 2015. I've also included my top tweets for each month. There's plenty of great stuff to explore from 2015!
Class Quiz Games with Quizizz (an Alternative to Kahoot)
Quizizz is an alternative to Kahoot, and there’s a lot for educators to like about it. It is very similar to Kahoot, with a few key differences.
Resources from 25 Presentations at Miami Device 2015
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Day School hosted Miami Device, November 12 & 13, 2015. I've combed through the conference's schedule and have pulled out links to resources I think you might want to see.
Learning in Hand is Now on Instagram
Learning in Hand is finally on Instagram! What took me so long? Follow @learninginhand.
What I Bought in 2015
It is time for my yearly post about the gadgets and gizmos I've recently purchased. This year you'll see lots of audio and video gear, along with other techie items I think you might like.
Receive Files into Your Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive
Drop It To Me at dropitto.me is a free service that I’ve been using for several years. It provides a simple way to receive files from others. You can also choose to have your files sent to Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive.
The Best New iOS 9 Feature for Schools!
iOS 9 has been released. It has some nice improvements for schools. But one new feature has me really excited!
The Scoop on Periscope: Broadcast Live Video to the World
I find myself explaining Periscope and how I use it a lot lately. Educators are eager to live broadcast to connect to each other and possibly use it in their classrooms. So, what better way to explain my take on this new video streaming service than in an infographic?
Live Periscope Broadcasts from ISTE 2015
I’ll be in Philadelphia Sunday through Wednesday this week at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 2015 conference. Read about how I use Periscope to broadcast live video from the event.
Spruce Up Your Centers with Technology
Learning in Hand Show #31 is about giving your learning centers or stations a makeover. The collection of activities teachers provide their students at a center can be enhanced with technology, even if there’s only one computer or tablet available.
Colorful Communication: How to Recolor Icons from The Noun Project
The Noun Project has a huge collection of symbols and icons. All of The Noun Project’s icons are only available to download in black. I’d like to show you how I recolor them with Method Draw, a free web-based graphic app.
10 Ways to Show Your iPad on a Projector Screen
Teachers really like the ability to display their iPad or their students' iPads on a projector screen. Projecting on a large screen is great for demonstrations, simulations, explanations, and showing examples. There are several ways this can be done in the classroom. Read the post for more information and for a handy chart.
Create Elegant Webpages from Words and Images with Adobe Slate
Adobe just released its newest free storytelling iPad app, Slate. Adobe Slate is simple software for creating and publishing webpages that look great. It’s a sister app to Adobe Voice, so if you’re familiar with Voice, you’ll feel right at home in Slate.
Three Free iPad Apps Students Can Use Over and Over
The apps I get most excited about are ones that are open-ended. I like to make things, and I love it when an app empowers students (and teachers) to create digital productions. Shadow Puppet Edu, Adobe Voice, and TeleStory are three apps that facilitate creativity.
Propping Up Your Tablet: Two Portable Stands
If you happen to travel with your iPad or tablet and use it to present, you might be interested in a portable stand. Until recently, iPad stands where not very portable and impractical for me to take on my travels. Now I have two great options that fold flat and fit in my backpack.
Show What You Know Using Web & Mobile Apps - Version 5
Nowadays teachers and students have a variety of ways to show what they know and to express themselves. Take a look at some of the hottest online and mobile tools for showing, explaining, and retelling in my infographic, "Show What You Know Using Web & Mobile Apps."
Apple TV Settings for the Classroom
You don’t have to live with Apple TV’s default settings! I’d like to recommend some tweaks to make Apple TV more classroom friendly. These adjustments include hiding previews and icons on the Home screen, preventing screen hijacking, using the screen saver as a digital bulletin board, and other handy tips.
Producing Infopics
Learning in Hand Show #30 is about making infopics. An infopic is a photo with text layered on top that is designed to communicate a message. Watch the video to see examples and to learn about tools and techniques for making your own.
Top Web Links from 2014
If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or Google Plus, you might have noticed that I share links using my very own URL shortener called tonyv.me. This not only makes a short and cute web address, it also tracks the number of clicks each link receives. This means I can easily see the most popular links I shared during 2014! Let's see what got the most clicks...