iPad Backpack is Also Handsfree Frontpack
iBackFlip Studios sent me their Somersault iPad backpack. Its hallmark feature is its iPad mount. You can flip the backpack around to your front side, unzip the mount's compartment, and you instantly have iPad floating in front of you. Your hands are free to do whatever you need them to do.

Introduction to QR Codes
Learning in Hand Podcast Episode #25: QR Codes is all about those two-dimensional bar codes that are popping up everywhere. QR codes have lots of uses for education, especially in classrooms where students are equipped with mobile devices.

Ways to Evaluate Educational Apps
Download rubrics and checklists to help you evaluate the educational value of mobile apps.

I've Been Waiting for This! AirPlay Mirroring to a Mac (no Apple TV required)
I am so excited for a new Mac app called Reflection! It shows my iPad's screen live on my computer screen wirelessly!

Guide to Using Free Apps to Support Higher Order Thinking Skills
Lisa Johnson and Yolanda Barker have published an eBook titled Hot Apps 4 HOTS: A Guide to Using Free Apps to Support Higher Order Thinking Skills. The book includes nine step-by-step activities that focus on each level of Bloom's taxonomy and includes loads of links to further resources. Like the title says, Lisa and Yolanda write about free apps and most of them work on both iPads and iPod touches.

Gathering of Mobile-Minded Educators
Have you heard? Classroom teachers, technology coordinators, administrators, special educators, and others interested in reaching today's students are gathering in Phoenix, Arizona April 11-13 for Mobile Learning Experience 2012.

iOS Math Apps by Teachers
You've probably heard of apps developed by kids, like Bustin Jieber by twelve-year-old Thomas Suarez and MathTime by fifth grader Owen Voorhees and his slightly younger brother Finn. It's really great to see youth creating apps. It's also fantastic to see educators developing apps. I'd like to tell you about two new math apps and the teachers who made them.